Live Bands:
Sleepy LaBeef (USA) - legend & human jukebox
Nick Curran (USA) - Rhythm´n´Blues singer/guitar player!
Di Maggio Bros. (I) - rockabilly from the boots upincl. guitar wizard Marco Di Maggio
Los Terribles de Tijuana (I) - Gringo Rock´n´Roll!
The Lonesome Drifters (D) - new rockabilly trio!
Crazy Cavan & the Rhythm Rockers (UK) - the legendary teddy boy cult band is here!
Wildfire Willie & the Ramblers (S) - the swedish wildman - wild rockabilly
The Booze Bombs (D) - wild rock´n´roll & Rockabilly w/ female lead vocals
The Rewinders (CH) - swiss Rockn´n´Roll
The Jackalopes (CH) - Hillbilly/Rockabilly
• DJs Dr. Pepperhot, Sleepy Gene, Bayou Bros, Gomez
• Burlesque show (The Filly Follies)
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WohinTippHQ 46 mins ago