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Line Up:
The Serial Killers
Jimi B.
Nrgizer (Live)
MC Hellvoica & MC Judgement Voice
Patrick van Kerckhoven a.k.a. Ruffneck is one of the leading names in the history of hardcore. He already started his own Ruffneck Records label in 1993,
which became one of the most original and important hardcore labels in the early days.
The distinctive sound of the label's music even got a very own name: Artcore. A very appropriate name because his influence caused for a lot more quality
and originality in the hardcore scene in the nineties. When the big hardcore hype was over in 1998, Patrick started two labels named Gangsta Audiovisuals
and Supreme Intelligence. With these labels he tried to create a new hardcore sound together with new producers like Nosferatu, Endymion and Ophidian.
With these labels he created a fertile base for the future of hardcore, eventually resulting in the establishment of Enzyme Records in 2001.
And again, Ruffneck is the mastermind behind one of the most successful hardcore labels. He's still very active producing and remixing tracks,
and is taking on a few bookings a year again. In 2008 he played at some major events, like 15 years of Nightmare, Defqon 1 and Thunderdome.
Presale: 20.- (zzgl.VVK-Gebühr)
Doorsale: 24.-
Presale-Tickets: www.oeticket.com , or call +43 (0)1 96096
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago