SAT 06 MAR 10
The Loud Minority @ Pratersauna
Electronic Floor
Blue Daisy (Blackacre/UK)
Mweslee (Kindred Spirits/Spain)
Daisuke Tanabe (Circulations/Japan)
Lazy Mason & Dereck Foreal (TLM)
Organic Floor
Luis Figueroa & Mr. Guan (TLM)
Waldsteingartenstrasse 135
1020 Vienna
After more then six years of bringing together good people, great vibes, fresh music and interesting acts, The Loud Minority enters Pratersauna and it's gonna be big!
This will be the kick-off of a bi-monthly event series, be sure we'll bring you high quality as usual!
We spread our word on three floors:
The electronic floor will see glitch-hop, dubstep, electronic beats & more, brought to you by the hottest producers around.
The organic floor will see classic TLM party-style - expect hiphop, soul, funk and disco for your ears and legs!
And our special floor will surprise you every time again!
This time we present you three of the freshest beatmakers, dropping live-sets:
From Japan, Daisuke Tanabe. His latest album just came out on Circulations Records, this understated artist proofed many times that he can smash dancefloors - he digs deeper and strikes gold!
From Spain, Mweslee, best known for his bass-driven releases on Kindred Spirits Nod Navigator series and his Beat Dimensions & All City records,
definitely on the forefront of the electronic beats movement!
From UK, latest beat & dubstep sensation Blue Daisy, already stated as UK's FlyLo and be sure that's only the beginning -
next step dance-futurism, keep a close eye on him!
Be part of a nu thang!
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WohinTippHQ 40 mins ago