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"What!? You play Hip-Hop and Minimal at the same Party?"
Yes, we can! We are SUPREME SWINGERS, Baby!
SUPREME SWINGERS is dedicated to all, who just can't get enough!!! Therefore we booked Viennas best Minimal-DJs and the Cream-Team to satisfy your musical needs.
Your bodily weal is in the hands of our specially trained bar personnel, which will serve you with special prices during our Happy Hour and delicious Cocktails all over the night.
Additionally Scandal X is supporting us with "Tokyo-Trash-Baby-Visuals", which will enlighten the screens and our mood!
Who's gonna play?
->Minimal Floor:
MARKUS LINDNER (Stadtpark Musik / Cityfox)
As one of Viennas most booked Acts, we are proud to present Markus Lindner at this event. He is long enough in the business to know what he's doing. International bookings all over and outside of Europe show, that his musical skills are over the top and danceable to the last beat!
BONO GOLDBAUM (PlemPlem / Drumatik)
So there is another one of Vienna's best known Tekno-Cowboys. Bono has bookings all over Europe, because he knows what the crowd wants. His sounds are intoxicating and make it hard to stand still, while he's playing.
ITZON (Zero Gravity / Frsky)
As first resident at SUPREME SWINGERS and one of Austria's hottest newcomers, Itzon has shown at Events like Cosmic Space Disco (Planetarium/Wuk), So messed up (Flex), Sturm & Drang (Planetarium), and so on, that he is capable of playin' a party to the peak.
KATE BASSET (independent)
She is as hot as her music! She has already made experiences in some of Vienna's biggest Clubs and will start the Minimal-Floor of SUPREME SWINGERS.
->Hip-Hop Floor:
CAY TAYLAN (Independent)
He's one of Vienna's freshest Producers and will push us to the limit. His fresh and funky remixes from legends like James Brown, are heard on FM4 and other radio stations. So check this out!
Trax: http://www.youtube.com/user/taca79
Mix: http://soundcloud.com/caytaylan
Visuals by: Scandal X
These guys are coming from the Czech Republic and have made their visuals in most of Europas biggest Clubs. Their "Tokyo-Trash-Baby-Style" is unique and breathtaking! Getting crazy and horny at the same time is the message that u will get from Scandal X!
So there is only one thing left to say: LET'S SWING!
Start: 22:00
Entry: € 4<00:00> € 8
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