Sa 8. Mai 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 15. Mai 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 22. Mai 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 29. Mai 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 5. Jun 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 12. Jun 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 19. Jun 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 26. Jun 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 3. Jul 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 10. Jul 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 17. Jul 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 24. Jul 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Sa 31. Jul 2010, 20:00–01:30 | |
Alarmstufe PARTY beim Yippi Yeah Clubbing im Eventhaus in Altach! Yippi Yeah wird ab sofort jeden Samstag ab 20 Uhr gemacht, ab 16 (Ausweis nicht vergessen!).
Clubfloor: House und RnB – we want to see your bodies moving!
Partyfloor: Oldies, Schlager, Rock, 70ies und 80ies - let´s rock around the clock!
Der gratis Busshuttle fährt vom Bahnhof Götzis!
We are ready for you, are you ready for us?
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WohinTippHQ 51 mins ago