Martin De Ronde (Amsterdam, NL)
OneBigGame is a unique organization in the field of videogames: it's the word's first non-profit publisher of videogames and was inspired by music industry initiatives Band Aid and Live Aid. Instead of gathering a group of famous musicians, OneBigGame gathered a group of famous game designers and set about developing a number of small innovative entertainment games, to raise money fo charity.
One of the key challenges in this process, apart from time, lay in the briefing of the artists involved. What constraints were they to be given and how much freedom should OneBigGame allow for these volunteer projects, which were supposed to lead to commercially viable entertainment products.
In his talk, Martin wil outline the objectives of OneBigGame in light of these considerations, the way the organization works and give an overview of its operation. Furthermore, he will explain the creative commercial process underlying the first few games, games that could easily qualify as art as well as entertainment games.
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WohinTippHQ 24 mins ago