Hell or Heaven is back!!!
Party: Hell or Heaven 2K10
Date: 2nd of October 2010
Start: 22:00 - 05:00
Entry: 12,- EUR
Gruppenermäßigung: ab 10 Personen: 10,- EUR
Yes - it's party time in Salzburg! The first edition of "Hell or Heaven" in the year 2010 will take place in the formerly known Cave-Club. Under the new sign of the "b.lack" you will forget time and space. A stunning sound system and two reconstructed floors will drive you crazy.
Besides the sacred halls of the "b.lack" the line up will kick your ass:
► ► Main Floor:
> Violentia (DE)
> The Villain (AT)
> EBE Company (DE) - LIVE
> Exagon (IT)
> Hardcore Masterz Vienna (AT) - LIVE
> Dr. Macabre (FR) (=Zum ersten mal im Lande!!!)
> Hardez (AT)
► ► Ultimate Floor:
> Arigo Pentrado (AT)
> Mindflash (AT)
> PN-X-TG aka Stormtrooper (DE)
> Lunatic Asylum (FR)
> Killjoy (IT)
> Andy GTP (SK)
> Doe Doe (US)
Please join us for this new edition of "Hell or Heaven" and celebrate an unforgetable night with us.
Club b.lack
Leopoldskronstraße 5
5020 Salzburg
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WohinTippHQ 10 mins ago