Double Jakki's @ Scotch
Wann: 18. September 2010
Wo: Discotheque
Musik: Defkings Music, RNB
Act: Dj Jakki Degg, Dj Villa
Jakki Degg started her carrier as a model in 1999 and has appeared many times on the front page of The Sun and Daily Star. she has also been in Loaded, FHM, GQ, Maxim and was even No. 30 of the 100 sexiest women in FHM in 2004!
She has now expanded into the music industry and is DeeJaying at clubs around the world! With Gigs in Ministry of Sound, Ibiza, UK, Miami etc. Saturday 18. Sept. 2010 she will be in Scotch Club @ Jakki's and it's her Austrian debute so we are all looking forward to an amazing gig!
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WohinTippHQ 11 mins ago