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ROCK-INFECT presents:
! - LIVE in CONCERT - !
CORVIN (myspace.com/corvinmusic)
Metal / Alternative / Rock
BASANOS (myspace.com/basanosmusic)
Metal / Thrash / Hardcore
HATE MAY RETURN (myspace.com/hatemayreturn)
Metal / Hardcore / Death Metal
Corvin grew piece by piece: The first lineup included Daniel, Matthias, Stefan, Thomas and Andy. The band profited of the experience each single member had gained from their former bands (Kontrust, Rebelscope, Soundbarrier, Standard Manöva), yet the guys took their time on writing songs.
The main intention was to combine heavy music with melody and to set up an energetic live show. In Febuary 2007 they finally had their first show at Vienna's infamous 'Escape' Metal-Club - where Corvin exploded on the unsuspecting scene like a firestorm. Ever since its fan base has kept growing rapidly and the guys won the biggest band battle in eastern Austria just playing their 5th show ever!
The band took it further from there and released their first, self produced CD called "Slavery". The album was recorded at Matthias' home studio, without any outside help from labels or producers.
Corvin also made it to the finals (last 10 out of about 1000 bands in Central Europe's biggest band battle), the International Live Award. Playing in front of 7.000 people in the finals, without being signed yet marks another peek in the band's career.
Meanwhile Stefan, Thomas and Andy decided to part ways with Corvin due to other obligations, whereas Daniel and Matthias started searching for an even better chemistry for the band. After several months of searching and jamming with many, many musicians Alex and Stephan both turned out to be a perfect match for Corvin on the guitar. A motivated as well as skilled bass player is yet to be found!
Currently the guys are working on new songs and are looking forward to a whole bunch of live shows.
Feel the energy!
"It’s all about instincts"
Four people from Vienna found together to create rough and compact groove metal songs. The result is the 11-track debut from BASANOS - unfiltered, raw and straightforward like a hit with a sledgehammer against the rectum. That's the direction the guys around frontman J. took, following the path of the major players of this genre - Lamb of God, Pantera and Hatebreed.
that’s BASANOS – 'cause it’s all about Instincts"
Hate May Return, established in 2007, had a very hard startup due to many lineup changes over the years. In 2009, Rafi joined and the complete machinery of hate was ready to write better, faster and harder songs than before. With their new album "The thin line between love and hate" (released on May 8th 2010) they are back on their journey to kick a whole lotta asses.
Hate May Return is not just a name. It stands for the perfect mix of Metalcore, Hardcore & Death Metal YOU want to hear!
VVK: € 8,- (VVK-Stellen ab Freitag geöffnet)
CLUB-TICKETS: € 6,- (Bank Austria / JIW)
EINLASS: 19:30
BEGINN: 20.30
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WohinTippHQ 44 mins ago