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Line Up:
MC´s: Hellvoica & Judgement Voice
Dj´s: Ophidian (NL) (Enzyme Records)
The Serial Killers
Skyscraper (HU)
Cheeky Rascals
Text Ophidian:
Ophidian is one of the few artists in the Hardcore scene who had an academic music education. While he was already producing Hardcore for the Gangsta Audiovisuals label he started a study for Music Technology at the University of Utrecht. You can really hear this back in his productions, for Ophidian really is a genius when it comes to producing music. His style is also very diverse. He's both very popular in Mainstream and in Industrial Hardcore, but also successfully released Hard Techno and IDM tracks. He just knows how to put the X-factor into his music. His big breakthrough for the masses came in 2004 when he released Butterfly VIP. His 5 vinyl set "Blackbox" which was released the year before that, however, only got the appreciation it deserved a couple of years later because it was just too forward-thinking at the time of release. But Ophidian has released lots of material after that, for instance his release together with Ruffneck, of which "So many sacrifices" was the best track of 2007.
His popularity has gotten him bookings at the biggest parties in the world, like Nightmare, Masters of Hardcore, Ground Zero and Thunderdome. He also played in numerous different countries like Spain, Hungary and USA. You see that this man is one of the biggest acts in Hardcore worldwide, getting credits and appreciation for his work from everyone with a heart for the core.
He is the creator of the last Nighmare Anthem - Lost in the Forerst!
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