János M. Kovács: Anything New? Understanding Nascent Capitalism in Eastern Europe.
Monthly Lecture
Is there such a thing as Polish or Romanian capitalism two decades after the 1989 revolutions? If there is, do these capitalisms differ essentially? If they do, how do we know that? Do they also differ significantly from other types of capitalism in the “West” and the “South”? If there is no such thing as Polish or Romanian capitalism yet, will these transitory regimes turn into “full” ones in the foreseeable future? Or should we forget about country types in the age of European integration and globalization?
The presentation will revolve around such questions, promising a few tentative answers that go beyond attaching adjectives like “Wild-Eastern”, “nomenklatura” or “cocktail” to the emerging capitalist regimes.
János Matyás Kovács: External Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest; IWM Permanent Fellow.
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