Freitag 08.04.2011
Queens Club Innsbruck
Einlass um 20 UHR
This is gonna be killah! QUEENS CLUB goes into the deepest sphere of HIP HOP! Oldschool meets Newschool!! ENDLICH kommt zusammen was zusammen gehört! Die ultimative plattform für BATTLES der besonderen Art/Kunst!!
• CLASH OF THE BEATBOX TITANS The best male/female will be elected by the
queens club audience
• RYTHM AND POETRY BATTLES Who´s the phrase-juggling-master of desaster?
Or is it a Mistress? Who knows - THE AUDIENCE,
baby, the audience (-and jury!!!)
• THE MOVEMENT OF BREAKDANCE Shout out for the B-Boys! Shout out for the B-Gurlz!
Do sum electrifying-neckbreaking-mindblasting mooves!
Whos the best b-boy/girl in town?
• DJ/SCRATCHING BASH Is there a Turntablism/Beatjuggling crack out there?
Show your skillz! We gonna find out, for real!
• NEW STYLE BATTLEZONE Fresh dance styles
Lets celebrate all together the real entry of the real spirit of
PROPS CULTURE (P.eople R.espect O.ther P.eople S.eriously)
Vorverkauf im ECKOSTORE 10 EUR - Abendkasse 12 EUR
Batllebeginn um 21 UHR
ab 02:00 Partysound!!
PREISGELD /BATTLE Winner100 EUR BAR + 50 EUR Ecko Store Einkaufsgutschein
Anmeldung: FACEBOOK Battle Night IBK
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago