Cheers Fellas & Cindarellas!
On Friday 18. Feb. we invite you to an unforgettable night of Wild Madness & Pure Rock n Roll at the CUBA club in BREGENZ (- trash city)!
......This time we, the ROCK N ROLL SHAKEDOWN TEAM, are very proud to welcome a new member in the RnR SHAKEDOWN ACADEMY Dj Silence. as a hobo he travelled nearly every country in the known world and collected only the best, purest, darkest and rarest Rock n Roll records this world has ever seen! Further Dj Crazed, known as the defender of good music taste, will be spinnin' the tables and will be rockin' down the line (- so don't forget your dancin' shoes)!
Be prepared for a shot of Psychobilly, Punkrock, Surf, Trash, Rockabilly, 50's, 60's, Country & Rock n Roll! These boys will set your feet on fire and make you scream for more and more and more and more...
JOIN US and be part of one hell of a night when the word on the dark streets of bregenz says... ROCK N ROLL SHAKEDOWN - DIRTY CRAZY MEAN & NASTY!
RnR SHAKEDOWNMehr anzeigen
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WohinTippHQ 59 mins ago