.::::::::УРБАН ЛАТИНО ВЕЧЕР ::::::.
-- 18.03.2011 .:::ostklub:::. 21h---
:::Klezmofobia (DK):::
:::::DJ LINE on 2 Floors::::
::DJ Silvao (BR)::
- konzentrierte BRASIL Energie-
:: DJ Kapucino (CZ) :: Urbano Latin Movement
Support by El Sergio (Co) ULBN Crew
::Dj Balkanezz::
::Sid Data::
-ost resident dj kollektiv-
Adress/Eingang: 1040 Wien, Schwindgasse 1
AK 10€ / **VVK 8€ http://www.ticketbox.at/
Live: Klezmofobia (DK)
Der Sound der sechs Dänen nennt sich New York Klezmer, eine knackige Mischung aus traditioneller Klezmer Musik und Elementen aus Rock, Surf, Pop und Balkan, die ihre Lebendigkeit durch den vielfältigen Hintergrund und die verschiedenen musikalischen Persönlichkeiten der einzelnen Musiker erhält. So interpretieren sie klassisches zwar frei, achten und bewahren jedoch stets das Wesen von Klezmer, das durch seine charakteristischen ausdrucksstarken Melodien gleichsam zu weinen und zu lachen vermag, auf jeden Fall aber der Tradition als Festtagsmusik zu besonderen Anlässen treu bleibt. Also….“TANTZ“
Channe Nussbaum - Vocals
Bjarke Kolerus – Clarinet
Ole Algreen Reimer – Trumpet
Andreas Ugorskij – Guitar, Accordion
Jesper Lund – Bassbalaika
Jonatan Aisen – Drums
has been playing for the last 7 years in the UK as well as Europe and Brazil. He is highly sought-after for his rare talent, and his mixing technique is hailed amongst the best in the industry. His current body of work consists of a variety of Latin music mixes as well as mixes of top 10 chart selections with Brazilian and Latin rhythms. His mixes of Lady Gagas Poker Face and Beyonce's Single Ladies are packing the dance floors at his popular weekend gigs. DJ Silvao has travelled extensively around the UK, Europe and Brazil playing at packed out venues. Following on from his success playing alongside the Colombian salsa band LA-33 at Leeds University in July 2008, he went on to DJ with The Alex Wilson Band, Brazilian Legend Seu Jorge and La Excellencia.
Style: Cuban and Puerto Riccan, Reggaeton, Salsaton, Merengue, Bachata, a wide selection of Brazilian music -Samba, Forro, Axe, Zouk, Baile funk, lambazouk
Music to download: http://soundcloud.com/mistura-latina-dj
No. 1 reggaeton/latin DJ in Czech Republic. Founder of a new music style called Czeggaton that is a mix of Czech language and reggaeton music. Hi is a pioneer of latin urban music style. Director of the only online latino radio in Czech Republic called LATINO RADIO URBANO. He has supported artist like Los Van Van, Elio Reve, Henry Mendez, Kid Afrika and others. His mixing style is a unique and he specialize on latin urban beats as he works with a top latin producers.
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