5 Jahre ist es schon wieder her, dass der Salzburger Soda Club seine Tore und gleichzeitig die Pforten zum geilsten Club für Elektronische Tanzmusik weit und breit, geöffnet hat.
Und wer den Höhlenclub (und seine "Bewohner") kennt, der weiß, dass dieses Jubiläum sicher nicht leise gefeiert wird.
An den Decks bei der legendären 5 Jahres-Party am 07.12. wird niemand geringerer sein als Claptone (Exploited), der den Soda aus den Angeln heben wird. Mit dabei Presitge Worldwide, Bastian Lehnert, Mick Thammer & Alex Marshall.
> CLAPTONE (Exploited)
> PRESTIGE WORLDWIDE (SodaClub Salzburg)
> BASTIAN LEHNERT (stay|tuned, re:fresh, SodaClub Salzburg)
> MICK THAMMER (freaksound.at, SodaClub Salzburg)
> ALEX MARSHALL (SodaClub Salzburg)
"Secretly everyone is drawn to mystery and nothing is more alluring than an anonymous producer. Exploited's Claptone are no exception. Yet after just two releases they are already riding high on the pinncacles of success. At the time of writing, "Cream" is sitting happily in the Beatport Top 10, where it has been nesting contently for the past two months. It's upbeat, deep house party grooves have been filling the DJ boxes of thousands worldwide."
The mysterious Claptone first burst onto the scene 5 months ago with an EP titled "She Loves You" featuring 4 tracks of soulful house perfection. Although not much is yet known other than he wears a long, pointed-nose facemask to hide his identity, he's off to a great start with tracks as golden as these. Definitely an artist worth following. The next EP for Exploited is already finished and will be released in June. Check out his live-mix recorded in Berlin (at the Exploited Labelnight) for more of his style.
Tracks from Claptone have been supported by everyone from DJ Hell, to A-Trak, DJ Sneak, Soul Clap, Solomun, Azari&III, Hot Chip, Noir, Julio Bashmore, Tensnake, Eats Everything, Matthew Dear and Tim Sweeney. Reminiscent of the super patient, minimal, and downright seductive bootlegs that Soul Clap was pushing out a couple of years ago (see Extravaganza, Sex In the Kitchen, and Rock the Boat) the new release from the mysterious act Claptone entitled "Cream" utilizes the same tension and release tantra-esque production techniques with great success. Sampling one of the most recognizable piano intros from the 90's hip hop cannon (Wu Tang's "C.R.E.A.M." if you haven't already figured out), Claptone twist this nostalgic loop into a deep house dancefloor filler. Released on the steadily incredible Exploited Records imprint, this track has been popping up in sets from the aforementioned Soul Clap to house maestro, DJ Sneak. Now the video promo for the release is just downright weird...silent films, clowns, ballerinas...
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WohinTippHQ 37 mins ago