We continue straight ahead to the third BULLTECH party. This time we will visit one of the best clubs in Vienna, namely – Auslage with one of the most successful Bulgarian DJs and producers DJ Lion (Hotfingers Records)
Many of his tracks have been in the top 50 beatport.com charts for more than six months, and this is not accidental.
When : 07.04.2012 start: 22h end: depends on you ;)
Where: club Auslage, Lerchenfelder Gürtel 43, 1160 Vienna
The music support is entrusted to Andrew Divine (Little Diamond Records) and Alex & Iliev (BULLTECH residents).
Remember that we have a special dress code for each of our events, and this time the dresscode is - Horns (subject to free interpretation)!
Best Horns win a prize!
Official Partners:
AIR KONA http://www.airkona.com/
neuDeli http://www.neudeli.at/
Cafe Cappuccino http://www.cafe-cappuccino.at/
Admission: 10 €
Ladies Free until 23h
See you there...!
We are BULLTECH: Masters of Entertainment!
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WohinTippHQ 41 mins ago