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On D Rugs
Phillip Cue
Hailing from Nantes in France, recently turned 17 year old Madeon came to the attention of the world for his unique blend of Pop/House/Electro via his "Shuriken" and "For You" tracks as well as his amazing remix of Pendulum's "The Island" single which won a remix competition set up by Warner Records and picked as the winning remix by Rob Swire (vocalist from the band)
His most recent remixes on the Yelle “Que Veux Tu” and Deadmau5 “Raise Your Weapon” singles have been a huge success with support from the likes of Martin Solveig, Alan Braxe, Porter Robinson, Skrillex, Pete Tong, Rob Swire etc....
Madeon’s Pop Culture Mashup video has been viewed now over
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago