JUNI, SAMSTAG 23.06.2012
EINTRITT: EURO 10 • EURO 8 NerudaClub
Golnar Shahyar and Mahan Mirarab began their collaboration in the spring of 2011. Being both the pioneers in blending Persian music with jazz and already active in their highly innovative quartet Choub, they have decided to start a duo project in which they can achieve more free space to experiment with and also have more musical intimacy.
From original compositions to Iranian folkloric songs and self-arranged jazz standards, they bring their highly musical interpretational skills and rhythmic capabilities as well as improvisational abilities into each song.
Golnar Shahyar interprets lyrics of the Persian poets, Hafez and Omar Khayyam, as well her own lyrics in Farsi, English and an improvised fantasy language. Mahan Mirarab brings his stunning guitar playing skills with absolute ease and intensifies the oriental element in his music by playing also the fretless guitar.
Their music is fresh and intimate, which knows no boundaries while it still finds its roots in Iranian music and Jazz.
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