Kickstains (Wien) Support: Soulgun // Indie - Rock
KICKSTAINS ist eine Wiener Indie Rock Band, die 2008 bis 2010 unter dem Namen Chameleonic Cadence fast 30 Konzerte, u.a. mit The Disciplines (N), The Trashmonkeys (D), in ganz Österreich spielten. Im Juli 2010 kam es zur Neuformierung und zur Namensänderung in KICKSTAINS.
Nach einem Jahr Schaffenspause spielen Daniel (Git, Voc), Judith (Drums), Lukas (Git) und Sebastian (Bass) im Sommer 2011 mit neuen Songs wieder auf.
SOULGUN is a brand new rock act formed in summer 2008 by ex-PURPLE SNAKE members Alex F. Gregori (lead vocals, guitars), P.A. Miller (guitars, backing vocals), Peter Brian Wood (bass guitar, backing vocals) and Markus Gollmeier (drums). They continue the rock invasion today with Matthias Mothe Isepp on drums by still fusing rock n' roll with danger and beauty that's been missing for far too long. SOULGUN is THE band to bring the ROLL back to rock music!!!
Alex F. Gregori (lead vocals, guitars)
P.A. Miller (guitars, backing vocals)
Peter Brian Wood (bass guitar, backing vocals)
Matthias Mothe Isepp (drums)
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago