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From one of musical theatre's most exciting new composers comes ORDINARY DAYS, a refreshingly honest and funny musical about making real connections in the city that never sleeps (but probably should at some point.) ORDINARY DAYS tells the story of four young New Yorkers whose lives intersect as they search for fulfillment, happiness, love and cabs. Through a score of vibrant and memorable songs, their experiences ring startlingly true to life. ORDINARY DAYS is an original musical for anyone who's ever struggled to appreciate the simple things in a complex place. With equal doses of humor and poignancy, it celebrates how 8.3 million individual stories combine in unexpected ways to make New York City such a unique and extraordinary home.
1. October 2012 - Premiere
2. - 13. October further performances
Theater Drachengasse, Fleischmarkt 22, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/5131444
E-mail: karten@drachengasse.at
On-line: http://www.drachengasse.at/karten.asp
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