The Best of Vienna Photo Exhibition for the Calendar 2012-2013 in the Rearte Gallery
Maria Petrak’s Vision of "The Best of the World" network presented, together with its valuable cooperation partners "", which took place on Wednesday, 30th November 2011 at the Expat Center.
With the help of our jury, from more than thirty eight photographers and 400 photos, thirty three finalists were pre-selected and their most beautiful photos presented. This unique event brought many countries and cultures together to celebrate the beauty of the Austrian capital as one of the most beautiful places in the world. The perfect location for such an occasion was chosen: nothing less than the newly opened and exclusive Expat Center, a Service offered by the City of Vienna, close to the Parliament and the City Hall.
On the 12th of January the Photos and the calendar will be presented in the Rearte Gallery
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago