WE MEAN DISCO!! & Housemusic too!
Clubopening-Night im legendären ROXY:
mit einem der Godfathers of Remixing:
(M+M Mixes, BBE, Salsoul Rec., Studio54 / New York City)
John gilt als Erfinder des "Extended Mix" und gehört zu den "Mixing Deejays" der allerersten Stunde, mit seinen mehr als 30 Jahren im Geschäft darf er amtlich als lebende Legende bezeichnet werden.
► Local Support:
Fritz Da Groove (Deephousemafia, Rotz Records)
Mr.Levi (Soulsugar)
Mannix (Soul Deluxe Recordings)
KidPariz (We Mean Disco!!, Rotz Records)
A night full of disco jams - garage classics - soulful deep house music and many many Vinyl records!!
"We Mean Disco!! & Housemusic too!" nimmt Euch jeden 1. Freitag im Monat auf eine besonders groovige Reise im ehrwürdigen Roxy mit.
Die alte Dame lechzt danach gerockt zu werden und wartet dabei mit einer frischen Soundanlage und allerlei anderen Neuerungen auf.
Unsere Mission ist klar: wir wollen House und Discomusic soulful und stilvoll zelebrieren - ganz frei nach dem Motto "its a spiritual thing, a soul thing, a body thing!"
Oder anders gesagt: Wien darf New York City werden
Before house was disco und so bunt wie die glorreichen 1970er Jahre ist auch unser DJ-Pool an Local-Heros, Vinyl-Junkies und Boardwalk-Hustlers:
Fritz Da Groove - Meier Lansky - Mr. Levi - DJ Sukram - Pezo Fox - Patrick Dudek - DJ WaX - Marin Zumbulev - Mannix - KidPariz
Regelmäßige Gastauftritte diverser Legenden und Helden der Nacht aus aller Welt nicht ausgeschlossen..
Get ready for a journey into sound...
► Die ersten 100 Gäste erhalten auf Wunsch unsere Clubkarte mit der man sich in Zukunft über ermäßigten Eintritt und weitere Goodies freuen darf.
(nur gültig bei WE MEAN DISCO!!....Events)
Entry am 7. Dezember:
EUR 7,- > midnite < 9,-
Strictly NO Guestlist: Friendly Friends-Ticket: EUR 4,-
Wünsche, Anregungen, Beschwerden und Million-Dollar-Spenden an: wemeandisco@yahoo.com
We Mean Disco!! & House Music too
Supporters-Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/WeMeanDisco-Housemusic-too/446597448719501?ref=hl
*********** JOHN MORALES Press-Info: ***********
John Morales was born in the Bronx, New York and has been involved in the creation of hit records for the better part of 30 years, playing at spots like Stardust Ballroom, Pippins, Bentleys, Limelight and the infamous Studio 54.
Like many DJs of the 70s, John ventured into the studio more through need than necessity, making medleys and remixes because the records in those days were too short and being a DJ, he needed to get more out of the records he was spinning. His now infamous ‘Deadly Medleys’ and ‘Sunshine Acetate Medleys’ brought him to attention of New York disco producers Greg Carmichael and Patrick Adams who were impressed by the hunger and desire of the self-taught engineer.
A meeting at New York’s influential WBLS radio station, where Cuban-born Sergio Munzibai worked as musical director alongside Frankie Crocker (and later at Motown Records), would signal the next chapter in Morales’ career resulting in the most prolific remix partnership in the 1980s and 90s.
M&M productions have over 650 mixes to their name, with ground-breaking records for the likes of Class Action, Jocelyn Brown, Shakatak, Miami Sound Machine, The Temptations, Tina Turner, The Rolling Stones, Spandau Ballet, Aretha Franklin, Shalamar, Hall & Oates, Candi Station, Billy Ocean, The Commodores and also Rod Stewart.
In fact, just about every major artist of the day was in some way retouched by the hands of Morales & Munzibai.
John has recently completed 3 CD compilation for BBE, with new expanded editions of James Brown and the Four Tops, Marvin Gaye, Ashford & Simpson and many more.
M+M Mixes Vol.3 is coming soon
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