Once upon a time...
The Backseat Boogie was born in the Milan area in 2007 as a rockabilly trio and then became a quartet after a few years adding a harp/saxophone player.
Defining THE BACKSEAT BOOGIE music ”rockabilly” would be incorrect or at least reductive. Their sound is an original blend of country, rockin’ blues, boogie and rockabilly integrating a solid rhythm section, a wild guitar, saxophone, vocal harmonies and even some banjo tunes.
The repertoire is mostly made up of self-penned songs, talking about everyday life with smart and ironic lyrics. Their live shows are sparkling, energetic and punchy thanks to experience they gained over the years.
The band published one EP in 2008 (“The Backseat Boogie Trio”), one LP in 2010 (“Till The Day I Die”) and recently their third studio work produced with RocketMan Records, “Original Spirit” (2012). For the single track “All my friends are Losers” was shot a videoclip in Toscany country-side and it's now online.
They played all over Italy, Switzerland and Germany in many clubs and venues and took part in all the biggest Italian festivals like Summer Jamboree, Get Rhythm, Moondogs Festival and many more, always distinguishing for their originality, verve and technique.
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago