----------Line Up---------
******* TICON ******* Live
****** TARANIS****** Dj
******COSMIC FUN****** Dj
*** HEADRIX vs. ATAX*** Dj
Nico aka Spacefreak wird unsere Augen verwöhnen, lasst euch überraschen!!!
-------Laser & Lights--------
K2 Soundclub.........
Powerfull Soundsystem
and many more......
Eintritt ab 21.00 Uhr
€ 8.- <00.00Uhr> € 10.-
Ticon biography:
Ticon are Filip Mardberg and Fredrik Gilenholt. The story of their musical involvement dates back to 1991 when they found mutual interest for underground dance music. Around 1995, they made their first track in Fredrik's bedroom, but it wasn't until the Swedish and Malmo based label Digital Structures contacted them in 1999 that things started to get clear and they formed Ticon. After releasing on almost every now classic trance label they earned a spot in the growing group of respected trance producers. Released in April 2001 on Digital Structures, their first full length album 'Rewind' received fantastic reviews and is today a milestone in progressive music. It's been a great journey from the first releases, and with landmark albums like 'Aero' and 'Zero Six After' to the latest '2:AM', released in 2008, they have earned a top spot position in the trance and club scene.
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WohinTippHQ 53 mins ago