/////// BEATMAKER DJ-SET „The Future of Music"
DJ-Set mit eingereichten Tracks. Track-Einreichungen bis 17.04.2014, 21 Uhr. Sende deinen Beat über www.soundcloud.com/beatmakersessions/dropbox oder email mit download link an beatmaker@smartguns.eu.
/////// Contest: BEATMAKER TRACKS of the Season #2
Für exklusive Track-Einreichungen gibt es die Möglichkeit einen von drei Single Releases zu gewinnen. Sowie einen AKAI MPC Element oder AKAI MPX8 Controller. Mehr Informationen unter: http://bit.ly/1lyccoi.
30 Minuten Spielzeit für entsprechende Bewerber. Bitte kurze Biographie, Tech Rider, Links zu Live Recordings (wenn vorhanden) und Artist Page(s) an beatmaker@smartguns.eu.
/////// BEATMAKER L!VE GUEST: Dusty Crates (Duzz Down San)
“Dusty Crates is a Vienna based beatmaker/DJ collective sharing the love for old and dusty records, the art of sampling and analog & digital synthesizers. Coming from Austria, Italy, Germany, Philipines and Croatia, all living in Vienna, they combine different styles and techniques. Hiphop-rooted but influenced by electronic and jazzy flavors.“
FB: https://www.facebook.com/DSTYCRTS
BC: http://dustycrates.bandcamp.com/
SC: https://soundcloud.com/dstycrts
Home: www.beatmakersessions.eu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BeatmakerSessionsVienna
Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/beatmakersessions
Twitter: www.twitter.com/BeatmakerMusic
Bandcamp: https://beatmakersessions.bandcamp.com/
//////////////////////// English Version ////////////////////////
BEATMAKER „The Future of Music“ SESSIONS is an experimental multi genre night. The aim is to support the Austrian music community with all its players. Especially, music producers who want to get their music out and pump their beats/tracks over a proper sound-system for a live crowd. Producers get the chance to submit a beat previous to any session, or on the night, to be included in the BEATMAKER DJ-Set. Additionally, appropriate candidates can apply for a 30 minute BEATMAKER L!VE Slot. And as a special treat a SPECIAL L!VE GUEST is invited for each Beatmaker Session. Events are being held on a monthly basis.
For more details go to www.beatmakersessions.eu!
Submit Beats for the BEATMAKER DJ-SET via www.soundcloud.com/beatmakersessions/dropbox or send download link to beatmaker@smartguns.eu.
Contest: Beatmaker Tracks of the Season #2
send track to win one of three single releases and an AKAI MPC ELEMENT or an AKAI MPX8 controller. http://bit.ly/1lyccoi.
Applications for the 30 minute L!VE SLOT, including links to live sets/mixes, artist page(s) and tech rider, go to beatmaker@smartguns.eu.
FLUC upstairs, VIENNA, PRATERSTERN, free entry.
FB: Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/555858951195600/
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