Das Konzert vom 24.5.2014 ist ausverkauft !!
Reservationen dringend notwendig - möglichst heute ;-)
Besetzung: Billy Cobham - drums, Christophe Cravero - keyboard/violin, Jean-Marie Ecay - guitar, Camelia Ben Naceur - keyboards, Michael Mondesir - bass
Seit seinem Durchbruch in den frühen 1970-er Jahren als Gründungsmitglied des Mahavishnu Orchestra und als Drummer/ Leader, dessen Aufnahmen (wie bspw. "Spectrum") und kraftvolles, komplexes Spiel einen enormen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Jazz- und der Fusion-Jazz-Szene hatten, so ist Billy Cobham stets der unermüdliche, musikalische Entdecker und Forscher geblieben.
Seine Biografie verdeutlicht seinen internationalen Werdegang: In Panama geboren und New York aufgewachsen, in der Schweiz für mehr als 25 Jahre verweilend, so konnte Cobham nicht nur als Master-Drummer und Percussionist, sondern auch als Komponist, Producer und Musik-Erzieher Grenzen überschreiten und in seinem eigenen, kreativen Ausdruck die weltweit gesammelten Erfahrungen verarbeiten.
Widely regarded as the "world's greatest drummer" and revered for his musical ingenuity, jazz fusion virtuoso Billy Cobham reaches his seven-decade milestone as creative as ever, looking ahead to the next era in his lifelong artistic evolution with several visionary projects on the horizon.
Early 2014 marks the release of the much-anticipated "Tales from the Skeleton Coast", which is the third installment of four recordings produced as a commemoration and celebration of Cobham's mother and father, both of whom were musicians. In his words, "Tales from the Skeleton Coast reflects life experiences that I shared with my parents that I hold dear in my heart and mind, including impressions instilled in me while touring the region of what was previously called southwestern Africa but is now known as Namibia. The images of the Skeleton Coast in particular, still burn within me and through the music, I've created a sonic reflection of those cherished experiences".
This year, Cobham continues to develop his ingenious Extended Works series, a trailblazing musical exploration that will take shape in collaboration with local jazz orchestras around the world. This performance series will bring his critically acclaimed, widely appreciated material to the orchestral jazz stage, sharing h is vast musical history with diverse audiences globally. Cobham remarks, "This project is a natural musical metamorphosis that was destined to take place when the time is right. The time has come and we have etrived!"
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