Diese Veranstaltung ist schon vorbei


Do 13. Nov 2014, 22:00–02:00

Wo: Stadtwerkstatt, Kirchengasse 4, Linz Urfahr, Oberösterreich

Altersbeschränkung: Alle Altersklassen


Eingetragen von: KV Stadtwerkstatt

Stick em up Motherfucker (Def Ill & Selbstlaut)

Abstract Hiphop oder avdvanced leftfieldish Powerrap. Was auch immer man den beiden Boys auf die Fahne schreiben will passt genauso wenig in ihren Blumenstrauß wie sie in diese Schublade. Jenseits mieser Klischees und abseits von Deutschrap, ganz weit entfernt von dem das du denkst das es sein muss. Löv.

The fourth full length album from Ancient Mith is the shedding of a ten year journey making music in a modern reality and the luggage acquired along the way. Swiss beat maker, Mattr., provides the groundwork for this electro rap record that ventures outside the usual.
While waiting to find the ‘right’ producer for the concept of ‘And The Dead Shall Lie There’, Ancient Mith began writing to beats Mattr. had been sending in the years prior. Slowly as songs compiled he realized he had created what he set out to unintentionally. Instead of sending each song as it was done, Ancient opted to complete the project, mix it and then send it back to Mattr., for his sign off on the project.
The album was to be accepted as a whole or not at all, meaning no tracks would be cut or redone, if Mattr. didn’t like any part the album it was not to be released.