A Tribute to Bunny Buggs & Third World!
Sam Brisbe & One Soul
One Soul Reggae Machine (Originally Black Soul) was grounded in 1992 by Sam Brisbe in Baden, Austria. The band has grown to become one of the most prominent and dynamic reggae groups in Europe.
One Soul has performed in all major festivals and events all over Europe and the globe at large to much positive acclaim and acceptance by fans universally.
The band is a kaleidoscopic mix of nationalities and cultures and this has inevitably affected the positive outcome of their music,a colourful mix of roots reggae, funky soul, African and Asian subtle undertones and electrifying bluesy guitars!
Simplicity Sound, Soulshake Sound, DJ Jahmira, DJ Jah Elevator, DJ Lal
(Best of Reggae Ragga Dancehall)
Konzertbeginn: 22 Uhr
Eintritt: 7,-
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WohinTippHQ 33 mins ago