A meeting and networking opportunity for internationally minded people in Vorarlberg. Global and Vorarlberg don’t seem to go together? Well, give it a little thought. There are thousands of people from all over the world living in Vorarlberg, from Nepal to Nigeria, from Germany to Greece, from the U.S. to Uruguay. And there are thousands of Vorarlbergers who lived abroad for a while, some for a very long time. Moving to a foreing country or moving back from a foreign country is challenging in many ways. One of them is finding like-minded people with similar experiences. People who like the international flair, also in Vorarlberg. This is exactly what we are trying to create, an international meeting place for internationally minded people who live in Vorarlberg for a short or a long time. In order to get to know each other, we find it helpful do do things together, not just sit and talk. Therefore, during the warm season we go for walks together, easy walks that allow us to talk to each other and we make sure that we can get some refreshments somewhere on the way.
Questions? Call Christa at 0650 44 07093 or Eva at 0676 4756580, www.globalvoralberg.com
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