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The smash-hit, hilarious LIVE! show from comedy’s internationally acclaimed and award-winning half-man-half-Xbox. With 7 consecutive sold-out Edinburgh Fringe seasons under his belt, Daniel has also toured extensively through the UK, Australia & USA, appeared on TV shows including ‘Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow’, ‘Russell Howard’s Good News’ and ‘Conan O’Brien’ and released his debut DVD… After another sell out Edinburgh Festival performing to tens of thousands of people, Daniel hits the road (well, hits the the skies) with his first major European Tour this autumn with his smash-hit show ‘LIVE!”. Daniel will perform in sixteen different countries on his whistle stop tour – so make sure you BOOK EARLY! *
‘Charming, self-deprecating, genuinely funny!’ (Time Out); ‘Meteroric… Sloss is blessed with a sharp mind and a potent stage persona… Has them rolling in the aisles’ ★★★★ (4 stars) (Scotsman); ‘Nothing short of hysterical…A stunning show of observational humour… We will be hearing a lot more from this boy in the future’ (Sunday Express); ‘A genuine twinkle in his eye and a sharp line in observational humour… The humour is funny, intelligent and charming. As is Sloss.’ ★★★★ (4 stars) (Evening News); ‘A star in the making… Unstoppable!’ (Telegraph) In englischer Sprache!
20:00h Support: Kai Humphries (ca. 25min)
Pause von 15-20min
20:45h Daniel Sloss (60min)
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WohinTippHQ 58 mins ago