Buchungsgebühren können anfallen
great news!
now you get 3 bands for the same price!
Takes 2 2 Tango:
(the drummer from Mother's Cake, the guitarplayer from MILK+, vocals from The 4 Evas)
Richard Kapp & the gowns:
„I am not saying that Richard Kapp & The Gowns“ are the next Beatles […] what I am saying though is that you can see some of their genius certainly rubbed off on him and it’s been reinvented in the modern world of music“
- Shaun Cole, MusicReviewUnsigned
She and the Junkies:
"First thing they did, have a shot of Jägermeister. Second thing they did? Take of their shirts! Third thing? Play very loud and raucous Rock’N’Roll!"
VVK: € 8.-- (she.a.t.junkies@gmail.com)
AK: € 10.--
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WohinTippHQ 17 mins ago