Do 25. Sep 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Sa 27. Sep 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Di 30. Sep 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Mi 1. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Do 2. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Fr 3. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Sa 4. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Mo 6. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Di 7. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Mi 8. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Do 9. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Fr 10. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Sa 11. Okt 2014, 20:00–22:00 | |
Vienna theatre project brings you another Austrian premiere of an award-winning show, this time [Title of show], music and lyrics byJeff Bowen and book by Hunter Bell. 2006 Obie Award, 2007 Tony Award. Cited one of the top 50 musicals in US history.
Jeff and Hunter, two struggling writers, hear about a new musical theatre festival. However, the deadline for submissions is a mere three weeks away. The pressure is on and the pair decides to try to create something new with the help of their friends Susan, Heidi and Mary. Finally Jeff suggests they write about what to write about. They make a pact to write up until the festival’s deadline and dream about the show changing their lives. What ensues is a roaring, uplifting comedy and an hilarious love letter to musical theatre.
Stage director: Joanna Godwin-Seidl
Music director: Birgit Zach
Starring: Nazide Aylin, Alan Burgon, Lynsey Thurgar, Oliver Watton
Die Aufführung erfolgt durch besondere Vereinbarung mit R&H Theatricals Europe GmbH im Namen von RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN: An Imagem Company,
Aufführung in englischer Sprache.
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WohinTippHQ 41 mins ago