Jesus Sedloco's Birthday Trash!
DJs: Nasty Carnabilly & Dirty Sedloco
(Rhythm & Blues, Garage, 77 Punk, ...)
Live: CRANK (F - garage psych rock)
Crank was founded at the end of 2007, in Perpignan (France) by members of Hair & The Iotas, Sonic Chicken 4, Gaz Gaz and Jack Of Heart. Touring once a year since 2010 in France, Belgium, Netherland, Germany and Switzerland, they deliver a brand of garage rock that takes its roots in 60’s psychedelia while remaining resolutely receptive to current influences. Incorporating the music of Pebbles and Back From The Grave compilations and bands such as The Country Teasers, The Lyres, The Prisoners or The Oblivians, they produce their own uplifting cocktail of wild, foot-stomping punk rock and classic, mystically sensual rock‘n roll. In the same vein as The Beach Bitches, and named after one of their songs, Crank endeavour to smash boundaries and codes to deliver a music that is as original as it is full of references. The beginning of 2013 has seen the release of their debut album, on the label Pawn Records from Brussels, at the end of a three weeks tour. Some other songs appear on a compilation of recordings made out of a Perpignan studio, Watthaus, and a second album is in the works. Members : Renaud (guitar/vocals), Phil (organ/backing vocals), Sylvain (drums/backing vocals), Simon (bass), Arthur (guitar).
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago