THU 03 |12
R.A. The Rugged Man Official Page
by STEP FORWARD and Beat the Fish
(presale concert tickets 19 eur at Jugendinfo)
Hunee (Hunch Music / NL)
BCKSRCKR (Ascending Waves / AT)
Heap (Discus Throwers / AT)
Kitchen by Instant Grooves
Oberst & Buchner (Schönbrunner Perlen / AT)
Denis Yashin (Instant Grooves / AT)
Entry: Free Enrty All Night (after the concert)
FRI 04 | 12
Robert Hood (M-Plant / US)
TJ Hicks (Minimalsoul Recordings / AT)
Nino Sebelic (Minimalsoul Recordings / AT)
Kitchen hosted by POMERANZE
Thomé Rozier
DJ Alfredo
Entry: 15 eur All Night
SAT 05 | 12
Dyed Soundorom (Apollonia / FR)
Seuil (Eklo Music / Hold Youth / FR)
Andy Catana (Turbo Projects / AT)
Special Visual & Light-Design by NEON GOLDEN
Kitchen by Salto Capitale
RANAH GEIST (Ascending Waves / AT)
Waxter Dancel (Discus Throwers / AT)
Erdball (Salto Capitale)
Marie (Salto Capitale)
Entry: first 444 guests pay 4 eur / rest 15 eur
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WohinTippHQ 54 mins ago