Mo 20. Apr 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Di 21. Apr 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Mi 22. Apr 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Do 23. Apr 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Fr 24. Apr 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Sa 25. Apr 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Di 28. Apr 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Mi 29. Apr 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Do 30. Apr 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Fr 1. Mai 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Sa 2. Mai 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Di 5. Mai 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Mi 6. Mai 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
Do 7. Mai 2015, 20:00–21:30 | |
A monster dwells amongst the clutter under the bed of our souls.
Its claws hold tight our most secret opinions.
Its fangs guard our deep-seated beliefs.
Its scales protect our darkest prejudices.
We know this creature and we dare not let it out. Yet what happens if we shine the harsh light of public scrutiny into the eyes of this creature and force it to face that which it fears most: Exposure?
Set Design: Johannes Weckl
Improvised Music: Belush Korenyi
With: Anne Weiner, Bronwynn Mertz-Penzinger, Jim Libby, Kathy Tanner, Michael Smulik Special guest from London: Jana Carpenter
Das Projekt wird gefördert durch die Kulturabteilung des Magistrats der Stadt Wien.oto
Foto: Andreas Friess
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WohinTippHQ 14 mins ago