Launch of Vienna's New All Female* Hip Hop Club Night .
Join us in kicking off what we hope will be a regular club night in Vienna for female* MCs, DJs, Artists and Performers.
We offer the space and a stage for those who very often are overlooked in Vienna's hip hop landscape to create room for various talents to connect and present their work.
On the mics, behind the decks, spray cans in their hands and B-Girls* on the dancefloor; Word is 'Females* First!'
Original FEMME DMC Crew
Bella Diablo (Linz) -
FB: https://m.facebook.com/BellaDiabloOfficial
Soulcat E-Phife (Vienna) -
FB: https://m.facebook.com/soulcat.ephife
DJane CounTessa (Vienna) -
FB: https://m.facebook.com/DJane.CounTessa
Guest DJ: TON UP [ON FLEEK /Sounds of Blackness] (London) -
FB: https://m.facebook.com/onfleeek
Host: Dacid Go8lin -
FB: https://m.facebook.com/dacidgo8linwonderland
Njideka aka Nj -
Location: FLUC/ upstairs/ -
FB: https://m.facebook.com/fluc.vienna
Entrance : Freie Spende. But all money raised goes to support
artists. So let's give them the support they deserve, OK? Good!
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WohinTippHQ 46 mins ago