Gabriel Moraes is a Brazilian guitarist that arrived in Vienna recently. His career in Brazil was builded in the rhythms from the northeast of Brazil. He played with names such as Chico Cesar, Maestro Duda, Jorge de Altinho, Genival Lacerda and others. Jazz Music came to Gabriel through the experience with brazilian big bands and international artists such as the pianist Phil DeGreg, the trumpeter Mark Rapp and the saxophonist Alejandro Chiabrando where he played in important jazz festivals on Brazil such as Fest Bossa and Jazz, Recife Jazz Festival, Pólvora Jazz Festival and others.
When: 04.09.2015 // 20.00
Entrance: Freie Spende / Donations
Where: Pat A Mat, Nußdorferstraße 3, 1090 Vienna
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