Captain Hot Dog Sauce, The Deceased Biscuit, Olinclusive and Irieology at Improper Walls art gallery birthday party!
As you know we love to celebrate with you, and his time we are moving the party to Hrvatski Centar - Schwindgasse to be with you for 100% and more!
Mark the 9th of May in your calendars and cancel Sunday morning plans as you gonna have the best night ever with great people, live music, art, drinks, food and of course cake!
*Doors open at 8PM*
* Line up: *
♫ 8PM - 9PM Olinclusive (
♫ 9PM - 10PM The Deceased Biscuit
♫ 10PM - 12AM Captain Hot Dog Sauce
♫ 12AM - 2AM Irieology (
* Projecting photos and videos*
* Art *
▲ Mini retrospective from previous exhibitions
* Entrance fee: freie Spende and lots of hugs! * ツ
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WohinTippHQ 27 mins ago