On the 12th of June, we invite you to another international jazzy concert of some young but very talented artists! Together, they cumulate more than a century of jazz practice as musicians, composers, band leaders always in an international jazz background.
The sound flows with a melodic perceptiveness that while resting on technique nevertheless possesses enormous clarity.
They will play only original compositions written by the guitarist Gabriele di Franco and the saxophonist Stefan Gottfried, accompanied by Marton Juhasz (drums), Bernahrd Affengruber (bass) and Florian Nentwich (piano).
Gabriele di Franco - guitar ( IT )
Stefan Gottfried - sax ( AUT )
Florian Nentwich - piano ( AUT )
Marton Juhasz - drums ( HUN )
Bernhard Affengruber - bass ( AUT )
When: 12.06.2015 || 20.30 Uhr
Where: Pat a Mat, Nußdorferstraße 3, 1090 Wien
Entry fee: free donations
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago