Matt und Josie Minikus - Amerikanische Sänger und Songwriter.
"Hymns, Psalms, and Lullabies" NOW AVAILABLE
We are delighted to finally be able to share with you what has taken two years of our life to produce. "Hymns, Psalms, and Lullabies" is a collection of songs that we hope communicates the beauty of God in ways that you may not have seen, maybe not since you were young. We pray this communicates the innocents and joy of simply believing that God is good and loves you.
It has been such a joy to work with Dale Bradley (one of the best cellist we've ever heard) and Ben Bilan (string arrangement on "Though I Speak"). These guys helped take some of our songs from ideas to realties with their musical gifts.
May these new songs encourage you in your journey.
- Matt and Josie
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WohinTippHQ 47 mins ago