This time we join forces with the spectacular French band DAGOBA, which will be our direct support and introducing the marvellous upcoming JADED STAR from Greece as our special guests. After the successful tours done so far in both sides of the world (Europe and North America) it's time to get the Road to Extinction to Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Czech Republic and pay a visit again in exclusive dates in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium and Holland. Moonspell is preparing a visual and musically stunning show for all their eager fans, with different repertoire, some surprises and of course all the sheer incantatory power of their highly acclaimed new álbum EXTINCT. Don't miss out!!! Before the lights go out, before our time is gone, before we go extinct.
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WohinTippHQ 24 mins ago