Cosmopolite, funky and easy-going! Well, it's how we like it!!! On the 2nd of May starting with 20:30 Pablito Popescu will rock our place with their latino-funk-raggae-rock concert!
Pablito Poescu is a band formed in the late 2013. Conformed by members from Colombia, Peru, Argentina and Romania, it can be easily described as a group of friends who really enjoy playing together and creating new sounds. With songs that are very influenced by Funk, Reggae and Rock, the band tries to make music that is fun to hear and makes you want to dance, while at the same time, trying to implement as much improvisation as possible.
When: 02.05.2015 ab 20.30 Uhr
Where: Pat a Mat, Nußdorferstraße 3, 1090 Wien
Entry fee: free donations
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WohinTippHQ 46 mins ago