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Video Games are increasingly ubiquitous. But despite their ubiquity, they often struggle to tell good stories. Or to tell stories well. Or to make any sense at all. Sometimes they just go on and on and you wait for them to go somewhere but no, they just continue without any apparent - you get the idea.
So why do games struggle to tell story when they often have such amazing graphics, gameplay and sound? What kinds of stories fit what kinds of games?
Professional game writers Georg Backer and Ed Stern will guide you through the different forms of game writing, from AAA to indie, from motion captured CGI movies to actor voice over to just simple text.
Working as part of a development team
What words can and can't do
Where game stories go wrong
Why they are 84% Schnitzel by volume
Non-Interactive vs Interactive "Storytelling"
Interactive Exposition
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago