DJ Taff presents:
Special Guests from Germany
Ruffcut Sound & Soundvalley Movement
Local DJs:
Jah Elevator, Jahmira, DJ Lal, Simplicity Sound
We proudly present the upcoming sounds out of Germany Ruffcut Sound & Soundvalley Movement. You can expect hardcore juggling sets playing all kind of Reggae,-Dancehallstyles, from old to new tunes.
Soundvalley represent alone, mixing tunes and dropping wicked speeches, right on point. Ruffcutsound represented by Mp on the decks and Mr.Rich on the microphone, capture the massive by their charismatic juggling style and a fine mix of big tunes. These guys know how to party and love the music! Check for yourself, when we say „Link Up Time“!
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WohinTippHQ 51 mins ago