Di 5. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
Do 7. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
Sa 9. Apr 2016, 15:00 | |
Di 12. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
Do 14. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
Sa 16. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
Di 19. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
Mi 20. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
Do 21. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
Fr 22. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
Sa 23. Apr 2016, 19:30 | |
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"Collected Stories" is a play by Pulitzer Prize winner Donald Margulies, and centers around two women in New York during the 1990s; Ruth Steiner, a respected writer with a long and established career, and her student and protégée Lisa Morrison.
Ruth, a student of literature during a time when the atmosphere of New York was saturated by the influence of Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Delmore Schwartz, rose to success in what was then a male dominated profession. Now a mentor for students of literature, Ruth comes across the work of an intriguing young woman, Lisa Morrison. Not yet aware of her own talents, but determined to succeed, Lisa pursues a friendship with Ruth, whom she has the greatest respect and admiration for. But as a naive generation searches for its voice in another’s past… a life spent with a broken heart prevents another from speaking up.
"Collected Stories" is a tale of two generations, both alike in dignity, both equal in value, both as fragile as the next. As both women strive to be heard, friendship is tested, feelings hurt, and life it would seem, continues as normal.
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago