☆☆☆ ESN Welcome Party ☆☆☆
New town - new friends - new adventures!
Your semester in Vienna is about to begin, and we're gonna make sure you have an unforgettable start:
ESN BFI Vienna, ESN Technikum Wien and ESN FH Wien WKW have teamed up to organise an amazing night at a fresh location: the club LVL7, newly renovated and centrally located in Vienna!
★★★★★★ FACTS ★★★★★★
✘ WHEN? Friday, February 12th, starting at 10 PM
✘ WHERE? LVL7, Lerchenfelder Straße 35, 1070 Wien
✘ HOW TO GET THERE? U2 & U3 Station "Volkstheater", Tram 46 Station "Strozzigasse"
✘ ENTRANCE FEE? 10€ regular, 6€ with an ESNcard
★★★★★★ MOTTO ★★★★★★
Show us where you are from!
For the people who represent their home country (or a country of their choice) as authentic, funny or creative as possible, we have awesome PRIZES to give away. There are two ways to win:
✘ ✘ BEFORE the event:
Post the funniest picture representing your country into the event + write "I love Vienna" in your mother tongue into the description of the pic. The person who posts the picture gathering the most likes will win a bottle of vodka + 4 side drinks at the event*.
The deadline for this contest is at 1 PM on February 12th.
✘ ✘ DURING the event:
Dress up and represent your country at the night of the party! At around 1am, everyone who wants to compete will gather and we will vote for the best costume - it is also possible to compete as a team! The competitors that win the first and second place, will each win a bottle of vodka + 4 side drinks*.
* Or a non alcoholic alternative for people who do not drink alcohol.
Your new best friends at the ESN are already super excited to kick off the semester with you - see you there!
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago