Doors: 20h
Bands on stage: 21h
Entry: <21h 5,--
>22h 7,--
Holographic Human Element:
Experimental and modern classics embroidered by the New Age elements and progressive post-rock take you to a completely different and unexpected place we help you to create.
We project our feelings to the audience and wake up the things hidden by the central peak of Gaussian distribution under the layers of average.
less voice, more stoner/post rock.
Death Row Groupies:
Death Row Groupies are a new blip on the Vienna band scene, playing “low craft” d.i.y. punk. The three piece draws inspirations from bands like Ex-cult, Manateees and Cuntz and their guitarist also is the lead singer of Vienna douche-punkers Running Fetus.
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WohinTippHQ 33 mins ago