by Rave On Vienna
☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢ ☢
Whoop whoop!
After our 3rd Birthday Bash, here we go again ..
with the 15th crazy time-travel back to the happy years of 90´s Raveland.
Are you ready to fly again somewhere over the rainbow?
Raveland is waiting for us! Fasten your seatbelt & rave on with us!
☢ Welcome drinks & sweets for the first 100 guests
☢ Free glow sticks & stickers 'til you grab 'em all up
☢ UV body paints
☢ 90’s visuals by Mr. SelfDestruct
☢ Music & madness by Rave On Vienna
☢ Free entry if you have birthday too (26th or 27. Feb.)
☢ Special cheap entry price for the craziest rave dresses
To win free tickets:
Like Rave On Vienna + tag your raver buddies in a comment (here, at the event page)! Good luck & Rave On! :)
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