Guest at Salon für Kunstbuch: Arnaud Desjardin
The Everyday Press is a publisher of art books and artist’s books. For them publishing is a collaborative process which includes various individuals. Paying particular attention to the book as a singular object, they work closely with artists, designers and writers. The scope of the press isn’t fixed on any particular mode of production or format, some books are released in small numbers without ISBN while others are offset printed and distributed more widely via traditional commercial networks.
Arnaud Desjardin will present some of the publications of The Everyday Press produced during the last ten years. He will also report on his recent trip to the NY art book fair, organized by Printed Matter.
Arnaud Desjardin was born in 1969 in Argenteuil, France. He has been living and working in London, UK since 1996. He studied sculpture at Paris École des Beaux Arts 1989-1994 and holds an MFA from the University of British Columbia as well as an MA Visual Culture from Middlesex University; he finished his Ph.D. in Fine Art Practice at Kingston University 2007-11.
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