Do 18. Feb 2016, 19:30 | |
Fr 19. Feb 2016, 19:30 | |
Sa 20. Feb 2016, 19:30 | |
Di 23. Feb 2016, 19:30 | |
Mi 24. Feb 2016, 19:30 | |
Do 25. Feb 2016, 19:30 | |
Fr 26. Feb 2016, 19:30 | |
Sa 27. Feb 2016, 19:30 | |
Di 1. Mär 2016, 19:30 | |
Mi 2. Mär 2016, 19:30 | |
Do 3. Mär 2016, 19:30 | |
Fr 4. Mär 2016, 19:30 | |
Sa 5. Mär 2016, 19:30 | |
Di 8. Mär 2016, 19:30 | |
Mi 9. Mär 2016, 19:30 | |
Do 10. Mär 2016, 19:30 | |
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The Importance of Being Earnest! A phrase which is ridiculed to perfection in Oscar Wilde’s most popular comedy. Two bachelors, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, having nothing better to do with their days than engage in conversation and nibble on Lady Bracknell’s cucumber sandwiches, invent "very useful" and "invaluable" alter egos, in order to escape the monotony of their lives.
Both using the pseudonym Earnest, they try to win the hearts of Gwendolen and Cecily, both of whom by a stroke of luck, wish to be married to a man named Earnest. As the two young men struggle to keep up with their stories, they wrap themselves up in a tangled mess of their own creation. Wilde, in all his genius, ridicules the sensibilities of Victorian society with brilliance and ease, using some of the most bizarre and best loved characters in British theatre! As the plot thickens, and truths emerge, the vital importance of being earnest is a lesson to be learned through hilarious misadventure!
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WohinTippHQ 20 mins ago